
... back track

I often think to write in my blog when I'm nowhere near a computer or even a pen and paper.
For instance quite a number of weeks ago (a few days after my Dec 7th post) I was walking through the cemetary a few blocks away and I got to thinking about a few things. I didn't get a chance to blog that night and then never did. So here goes. Lets back track a month.
It was a Wednesday night, I believe, and I was taking the bus home from work. I got lost in my thoughts and accidently missed my stop, and the one after. When I got off I decided to take the shortcut through the cemetary. It was completely dark yet I felt safe. As I was walking along the pathways I noticed alot of footprints and vehicle tracks. At this point it occurred to me that the feelings which dwell within me are nothing compared to the loss that someone experienced today. Someone buried a loved one today. I'm not saying my emotions and feelings of late are invalid, they've just gained some perspective. As a I walked into my apartment, the same night, my sister had a tonne of candles lit and we had a good talk over the wonderful dinner set at the table. What a great sis! Thanks Mishu.


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