
maintaining my cool

I've been doing more swimming this month then I did all last summer. :) Still haven't been to the lake to swim but I'm loving the pools. Not so much wearing a swimsuit but meh, the effort is always worth it!

We have a/c at my job this summer. I didn't grow up with it so I'm used to the warmth but after the unbearable heat in the loft of the Butternut house having a/c this summer is definitely a blessing!

My apartment stays suprisingly cool despite the fact we're on the 8th floor. There's usually a good cross-breeze going through which cools the place quite effectively.

So all in all I'm staying comfortable.

On, to another type of cool... my composure and dealing with frustrations.
If you know me well, you know that I can lose my cool. I don't typically get mad with people, I bottle it so when things go wrong with non-human type things I, well, I overreact and freak out. For instance when my computer freezes I start yelling at it, or when I miss a bus I swear a blue-streak. This uncontrolled thoughtless wigging-out is something that bothers me about myself so over the past few months I've been intentional of trying to understand why I do this and to figure out how I can better deal with frustrations and maintain my cool. Alot of it is just learning to be more laid back and realizing that no matter how I react it's not going to change what's happening (like, yeah swearing at my comp is really going to suddenly make it unfreeze! haha). It sounds so basic but I have to remind myself to chill. Hopefully, it eventually becomes natural to react in a positive and healthy way (sometimes getting angry is healthy... but mostly not). I love how I'm 26 and I still don't have me figured out. :)


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