
It's been a month!!

To all my avid readers I apologize.
On September 3rd, my sister Michelle and I moved into an apartment together. Since then it's been a flurry of cleaning, working, shopping, painting, etc. It never ceases to amaze me how much work making a place "home" takes. We still have so much to do and buy.

Today I was going through some old stuff from college. There were tonnes of photoshoot pictures that I threw out. Some of the Oktoberfest Parade, friends in class, projects, inanimate objects and Tania acting like a seal. Crazy times. I also came across a journal from Suji's Creativity Class. Now, this class was a joke. She was the most uncreative person ever. Reading from the text book for an hour does not stimulate! and posting tonight doesn't seem to be very stimulating either as I'm falling asleep at the keyboard as we speak.

More details on the move, etc. to come.



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