
they're finished!

So about 10 years ago my mother bought 4 unfinished wooden chairs which have been collecting dust ever since. Michelle and I were in need of chairs for our dining room table so my mom agreed to give them to us for nothing. So about a month or so ago I started sanding the chairs but I didn't get too far. Last weekend I decided to get into the project and "get 'er done". I started by finishing my sanding job and then I stained the chairs (while listening to the Christmas parade go by). This past weekend I attacked the project again and sanded the chairs again, urethaned, sanded, and urethaned again. So now they're done and they look awesome! yeah for me!



Before my last post it had been a month since I've posted regularly. I got told that my blogs are boring and I'm an uninteresting writer. (I didn't know that there were prerequisites for having a blog). It wasn't until Jasmine told me she checks my blog often that I realized even if I'm not the best writer ever people still like to know what's going on in my life and don't mind reading my 'boring' posts. So I'm back on the bandwagon. Later.


Passion Toronto

Originally uploaded by cyncha.
This past Tuesday I headed to the T dot for an event called Passion 2005. It's a night of prayer and worship. It's the first time this event has been brought across the border. The night featured one of my favourite artists, David Crowder. (See picture). It was awesome!
My sister, Michelle and I left with MK from Waterloo around 4 p.m. We were inline by 6 p.m. (after making a wrong turn and finding where to park.) The doors opened at 6:30 which meant waiting in the cold! We had some pretty inconsiderate girls behind us... I had to fight the urge to elbow them. oi. We got to our seats closer to 7. Michelle started finding people she recognized so that was neat. The Embassy crew ended up sitting near us in the stands so we ended up moving up to sit with them. The event started out with Chris Tomlin, David Crowder and Charlie Hall leading worship together. What a great way to start! Basically the rest of the night was a rotation of prayer, speaking and worshipping. After the first set, MK, Michelle, Craig and myself went down to floor level. What an experience to be down there! This night really reminded me about how big God is and how little I know that. I limit Him to my world, to my understanding, but God is so much greater then that!
What an incredible night!