
remember mad-libs?

Dear Santa,

I have been a good Girl.

It really wasn't my fault what happened at Lisa's Office party. It was Trevor who spiked the punch with too much hot apple cider. I can't help it if I drank 4 glasses. It was so good---smelled and tasted just like Dolce & Gabbana's Light Blue.

I thought it was funny when I put Steve's sock on my head and danced the the Robot on the brown leather sofa while singing `Santa Claus is Thumbing to Town'. I didn't mean to break Lisa's cell phone and don't know why Lisa would accuse me of disturbing the peace.

I don't remember calling Chris's wife a sparkling cow---even though she looked like one with teal eye shadow and pantone 716 lipstick!

And when I threw up on Jasmine's husband's leg, it was only because I ate too much of that homemade cinnamon buns.

After all that fun, I admit I was a little tired. So I fell asleep on my way home and drove my Yaris through my neighbor's hallway. I don't think that was any reason for my neighbor to call me a slippery chicken and have me arrested for theft!

So, Santa...here I sit in my jail cell on Christmas Eve, all dirty and wavy. And I'm really not to blame for any of this twinkling stuff. Please bring me what I want the most---bail money!

Sincerely and haphazardly yours,
Cynthia (Really a nice Girl!)

P.S. It's only 6 bucks


so this quiz

You are a

Social Moderate
(41% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal
(23% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test


sad soul

Anyone that knows me is aware that I'm very good at bottling my emotions so when they do surface it's sudden and painful.
During my walk home on Monday night after Embassy, such a time occurred. My feelings and thoughts of late engulfed me until large sobs erupted. They stole my breath away.
I have much prayer and hard questions to ask of myself.
Please think of me,


Christmas time in the city

Ring-a-ling hear them sing...

seriously though, Christmas is just around the corner and you can see the evidence all over the snow blanketed city. The huge trees at the Clarica building are now lit. Day by day more festive lights and decorations appear. It's such a beautiful time of year! Yesterday Michelle and I enjoyed the sights and sounds of Christmas in Kitchener. We went to the Christkindl market at City Hall where we enjoyed watching the crowds of people, listening to live music and eating delicious apple fritters. We then headed to an outdoor Christmas pagent. Despite the fact that we were pretty cold it was a great time!... nothing a little pushing around or hot chocolate wouldn't cure. :)


the barn

Tonight I went to the Embassy leaders Christmas Party at the Barn. (It's a barn that has been renovated to be a meeting place.) It was beautiful with a huge tree trimmed and white lights everywhere.
As I was looking around at everyone two things struck me. The first thing was that a good number of people didn't even know why I was there. They recognize me for sure but they don't know what it is I do. Weird, eh? Secondly, I noticed that this group of people is so different from the first leaders I met and became friends with. As each year goes by I find it more and more difficult to build any sort of friendships with the people that I meet at Embassy. I feel like the old uninteresting fart in the corner... weird that I should feel that way. Where has my confidence gone? Why do I feel this way more often then nought lately? sorry, this turned into a pity party, best for me to turn in now.